Saturday 9 October 2021

Donkey Days

Why yes, I do need more Papo donkeys!

I'd bought the current grey Provence donkey pair earlier this year, so when this very sweet older pair come up on Ebay I just couldn't resist adding them to my herd as well.

A really lovely sculpt, with a different shape to the current pair - this one has a larger head and shorter legs. She looks a lot like the donkeys I used to work with, though they were Irish rather than French (they came over on a horse transport by ferry, my boss had ordered just one but he'd bonded so much with his travelling companion she bought both!)

I think I prefer this sculpt to their newer one, it may be a very static and uninspiring pose but she just looks so typically donkey, I love it. The paintwork is quite basic, but effective enough, and curiously they look more grey than brown in the shade, and more brown than grey when the sun's out bright!

I just love that calm, chilled-out look on her face - not a hint of the stubborn and/or depressed donkey stereotypes in this one!

Here's the matching foal, in a slightly more energetic pose!

Pestering mum to play! I always think it's nice when the matching adult and offspring are given complimentary poses, so they each look fine alone but work well as a pair, and can be posed to look as if they're interacting. I've called them Paddington and Bear, they seemed to need matching names.

Having expanded my donkey collection by a substantial amount already this year, I also decided it was about time I had Papo's Poitou donkey in my herd!

He's got lovely fur texture, a little bit smoother than the Schleich version, but sculpted nice and deep to properly show the long hair and the way it curls.

A lovely calm face - I've liked all the Papo donks I've bought this year, they seem to nail the expressions as well as the anatomy and conformation. The catalogue photo for this one wasn't very flattering, in person he's more matte-finish and doesn't look nearly as plasticky!

My Schleich mother-and-baby Poitou pair are Amélie and Émelie, so he really needed a French human name to match them, a fellow collector suggested Grégoire so that's what I've called him.

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