Wednesday 30 December 2020

Painted in 2020

For the second time since starting this blog, it's time to take a look back at all the customs I painted in a year. Here is 2019's post, if you'd like to check them out, or compare to 2020's selection.

Thankfully I managed to get the last of these named this morning, so I've been able to get them all captioned - it makes the little gallery look a bit more professional, I think! You can see them all full size if you browse back through the pages of the my customs tag.

The first thing which hits you in the face is how MANY of them there are - 68 in total! That's more than double what I painted last year. I'm going to blame 2020, and the fact that a creative hobby is an ideal distraction from worries, and something to occupy the time through various lockdowns and restrictions.

So let's break it down a bit, what have I painted?

Firstly, the colour ratio is notably different; fighting the old habit of wanting to make everything skewbald, this year I completed 42 solid colours, 19 pinto patterns, and 7 spotted. 
There's new variations on old favourite colours in here, with my first rabicano roans rubbing shoulders with metallic dilute akhal-tekes; skewbalds in grey and a couple of different roans alongside my usual bay and chestnut patches; chubari and leopard spotting instead of only blanket appaloosas; and a whole rainbow of different duns thanks to my highland pony project.

Eight are portraits : two horses from paintings, one from a book, one event horse, and four famous racehorses.

There's ten Breyer Stablemate moulds I hadn't painted before, while in the mix this year are some different scales, too - first I tried going smaller, with my first Mini Whinny, then jumped up to some mid-scale plastics by CollectA and WIA.

In all, I'm very happy with the year's work - all laid out this I'm astonished how many there are, plenty of colours I'm pleased to have tackled for the first time, and some which've joined the top ranks of favourite customs I've painted.
I'd love to know which you like best, if you happen to read this post - do let me know in the comments!

Goodness knows where I'm going to keep them all, but that's a problem for another day; after all there's no such thing as too many models, only not enough shelves!

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