Thursday 29 April 2021

Tales from the Body Box - my first Mojo repaint

This little pony didn't spend long in my box of bodies - he had his brand new coat by the evening of the very day he arrived!

Here's a 'before' shot :

While I love the mould, and like the idea of his design as a pale palomino with dapples and white socks, the execution of the paintjob left a lot to be desired - the dappling unfortunately came out as randomly applied distinct pale spots. If he hadn't had those, I would've kept him original finish for my herd, but I knew I couldn't just live with them when I could easily redo his paintjob in a much more flattering way.

I kept the pale palomino colour, and the same white markings of four white feet and a stripe, but here's how he looks now :

He turned out exactly as I hoped, the softer shade of palomino rather than the brassy 'new penny' colour we're told they should be. I think it suits the mould nicely, and hopefully matches my original idea of painting the pony the colour it was anyway but better!

Here's a few more angles, such a sweet pony with a nice alert pose for taking pictures...

Although I've done loads of customs before, this is my first ever Mojo one, and the mould was a lot of fun to work with - the hairy texture helps with brush painted acrylics cos any slight roughness is hidden in the textured finish, and his big deeply defined eyes were so much easier to paint than when you have to more or less draw the eye onto the face of a smoother sculpt.

He's got a lot of character, and I'm really glad I can have this mould in my herd now I've got past the problem of not liking the OF paintjob!


  1. Ahhh, palominos are my nemesis and this exact shade in particular! I bow down to your mastery of the paint pots!

    1. It's a hideous colour to get right, isn't it! They look so pretty but there's nightmares full of stress in the making of them, hahah
