Allow me to introduce my brand new website!
I already have one website for my collection, here, where the models are divided by brand, scale, and finish; I find it a very handy way to record, organise and display them for my own reference, and I know a lot of people might enjoy browsing by brand, too. Maybe you only really like Julips and have no interest in other brands, or perhaps you're a fan of Breyer Trads and don't care much for minis. Toy-type brands might be your thing, or you could prefer artist resins. Or maybe you just love seeing what custom models others have painted up.
Just as my blog here has tags to let you focus on a brand or scale or finish you want to see more of, that's how my website has worked for years.
It all started when, one evening, I happened wonder how many different breeds I'd got. Were there any famous and important breeds I'd somehow never ticked off? And which did I have most of?
I thought the easiest way to answer all this - rather than to go and stand in front of my actual collection with a notebook - would be to sort the photos on my computer. So I began : flip through the photos, and each time I got to a new breed, I'd create a new folder, and drop the picture into it. Slowly the horses, ponies, and other equines started to shuffle into place. At a glance, I could see what I'd got, in what numbers.
And there I could've left it. Neatly sorted, on my laptop.
But then an even better idea started to form. Why not make a website to display them this way?
A lot of collectors have their model horse websites tallied up by breed as a show string, custom portfolio gallery, or pedigree-assignation project; I've spent hours over the years, browsing through collections of hobby friends, vague acquaintances, and total strangers, just enjoying all the photos and seeing what other people own.
So I set up a new account, and started uploading my horses, one breed at a time.
I had to be even more specific now, with my 'warmblood' and 'sporthorse' folders divided into pure named breeds and nationalities, my hunters and cobs pulled out of 'partbred' and filed into types, and so on.
I admit it took a while. Months, even, from the easy beginning of the alphabet at Akhal-Teke all the way through to Welsh A B C and D, and then the difficult final fiddlings with tricky warmbloods and what to do about all the nondescript partbreds.
But finally, it's done. And it's ready to go public : I've proof-read all the captions, checked all the photos really do open bigger when you click them, added in my most recent arrivals and fresh repaints - there's even a couple on there who are so new they haven't been introduced on the blog yet!