Monday 28 October 2019

The Copperfox Conga gets Longer and Longer

First of two very exciting parcels to post about today, and as the title says, my Copperfox Welsh Cob conga line has lengthened a little bit lately!

The two gorgeous new boys actually arrived last week, but some truly hideous weather stopped me taking their pictures til today. And because my garden is so shaded now the sun's slower in the sky, I still had to chase the only tiny patch of un-dappled light across the lawn, and halfway into the flowerbed and bushes, just to get any pictures at all!

Here we have Sovereign, the regular run of 250 from 2016. I've had my eye on a few of these since I set my sights on collecting Copperfox cobs, but each one sold for £100 or more, finally I was able to get one for much less, and I'm so pleased - isn't he handsome!

I've named him Harecroft Welsh Gold - at last I've hit on a naming scheme for these cobs : rather than words in Welsh (which I find way too difficult to figure out the right pronunciation for!), I'm calling each one 'Welsh something', the name taken from whatever he was officially released as. Celtic Warrior becomes Harecroft Welsh Warrior, and Prince Cavalier is Harecroft Welsh Prince.

A really striking colour with his true-white mane and tail to match his socks - the 'fact' that a palomino has to have white hair is one of those lines horse books always seem to make note of, but in real life and also in model form, they're very often flaxen or blonde-haired instead, so it's interesting to see one who really does fit that old much-repeated rule. He's also got beautiful subtle dappling, the picture doesn't really pick it up so well as the eye.

I don't know what it is about these Copperfox cobs, but they do seem to like bringing friends along for the journey - he came with this travelling companion, from the same seller...

This one's Percival, also one of 250 from 2016, and another really beautiful colour I was thrilled to add to my collection. Again, his dappling barely shows up in the photographs, it's so faint and soft, but this is a very good thing when you think back to the rather polka-dot spots the first batch came out with way back at the launch; the delicate dappling of the later runs shows how the factory did get things very right in the end!

I've given him the name Harecroft Welsh Knight (Sir Percival was one of King Arthur's loyal knights). 

His pictures aren't the best for lighting and bad shadows, but by this point I was standing with one foot on the garden and the other on the drain outside the back of the house just to be able to reach a shot from where my chair-of-scenery set-up had ended up!

This leaves me with three to find for my Welsh Cob conga - Tiger Woods in black, Rupert in chestnut, and Gibson in dark dappled grey. I'm not after the original Kickstarter versions or rarities, I don't do glossies, and I'm not going to get my hopes up too high that any future releases will be on the affordable side of pretty horses just to look at and not buy, but finding the three colours to complete my regular run set is a target I can definitely aim for.

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